Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

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Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#99: Your Relationship With Food

How is your relationship with food?  Have you deemed certain foods off limits?  Look forward to cheat days?  Feel guilty afterwards?

In this episode, I talk about how our relationship with food was created, how it undermines our weight loss efforts and how to heal it for lasting...

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#97 - Feeling Overwhelmed

Is your calendar filling up with holiday gatherings and shopping on top of your regular busy schedule? Worried about all the cookies and treats and the holiday weight gain season?

In this episode, I talk about how to deal with the feelings of stress and overwhelm that lead to emotional eating...

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#96 - The Late Night Snacking Urge

Do you find yourself eating after the kids have gone to bed?  Have the urge for a late night snack even though you're not hungry?

In this episode, I talk about how to overcome these urges that undermine the rest of our weight loss efforts and exactly what to do to break the habit of late...

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#95 - Dealing With Energy Vampires

Are there people in your life that you find emotionally draining?  And you're in a situation, like the holidays, where you're not really able to simply avoid the person.

In this episode, I explain exactly why we find these people so difficult to deal with, why we engage with them, and ways...

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#91: When You Think 'I Can't Eat What I Really Want'

Do you believe that losing weight means you can't eat what you really want?  This is a really common belief, and one that I’m challenging in the second of a 5-part series on the reasons why you think you can’t lose weight.

In this episode, I’ll be sharing why we wound up...

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#89: The Return To Joyful Eating

How is your relationship with food?  Do certain foods trigger anxiety?  Is emotional eating one of your go-to coping mechanisms?  Do you feel guilty after eating your favorite comfort foods?  

In this episode, we talk about how to undo the damage to our relationship with...

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#86: The Domino Effect

When you see dramatic transformations, there's always a before and after, and the contrast provides clarity - something happened to alter the trajectory.

In this episode, I talk about the domino effect - the change to one belief or behavior which creates a cascade or chain reaction, causing a...

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#84: Exuding Calm Assertive Energy

When Cesar Millan rehabilitates dogs, he also spends time training the owners on handling the dogs with what he calls “calm-assertive energy.”  More often than not, the dog's misbehavior is a reaction to what the unskilled owner is or isn't doing so focusing on the dog would be...

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#83: Little 'R' Resilience

emotional eating stress Aug 23, 2021

When your primary source of stress is the daily grind, how are you managing it?  In this episode, I discuss the importance of autonomy, competence and connection in fostering little "r" resilience.

Click for more information on our upcoming workshop, Building Resilience, taking place...

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#82: Building Resilience

Lumping all stress in the "bad" for you bucket and something you should avoid is like saying all baby boomers are the same.  In fact, your experience with stress is similar to what research has shown for baby boomers and their attitudes about aging.

How you think about stress has a real...

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